Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Do we have a cyber soul? And is mine doomed for cyber hell? I suppose I need to back up and explain myself. This is and was a fluke. I don't have time for this. I'm supposed to be packing. Piles and piles of crap await yet somehow the MAC snagged me, pulled me in when I wasn't looking. And now I have a story to tell. It all started with Sheryl Crow. I tell my loved ones now that you can blame her for stealing my cyber soul. You see I am a bit of a political junkie. I overheard something about her and Karl Rove's childish antics so I went to look it up on MSNBC's webpage. But NO mention of whatever incident happened, and now I am dying from curiousity. Because I really DO like Sheryl Crow, I think her music is really underrated. She writes alot of her music. Maybe all? LOVE the song Redemption Day by must check out the lyrics. Quite fitting for the NOBS in charge. Anyways back to the story, So I try to find the link to the story, something about the enviroment, a bus and pissing off Karl NOBHEAD Rove. Instead I find crap like What does Ashlee Simpson think of her new look? And other mindless piles of wackery. So I click up on the LINK OF DOOM AND CENSORSHIP. And voila just like that I get sucked into the vortex of NOBS and wackery. But this just leads me to my REAL story. But I am tired and would like to give YOU an accurate account. So check back soon for the CYBER SOUL SCRIPTURES told as I and only I can tell them. May your cyber soul be soothed.

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