Thursday, May 10, 2007

So I was going to finish my story but first I must point out a few details that I just noticed. I assure you that it will all come back around anyways since the moral of the story has to do with censorship by the NOBS. I read that JACK VALENTI, 85 just died. Well who the hell is that you ask? Well, I say...the man that has been in charge of telling you what is appropiate for you and your family to watch at the movies since Lyndon B. Johnson. He was in charge of creating the Motion Picture Association which I wouldn't have thought anything of but I recently watched THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED and it was very clear that there is a sinister agenda at large. Boils down to this, SEX is a big no-no and Violence is GREAT because we can de-sensitize our youth and pack them out the door to fight for our OIL that lies in other countrys. The last part is my twist on things but so is everything here. So basically this association has been in charge of shaping public opinion, subtlely, subconsciencely and blatantly over time...a LONG time. I wish I had paid more attention to history back in the day and less to my hair BECAUSE..I had read an article in ROLLING STONE online the other day something about Hunt's deathbed confessions on how LYNDON B JOHNSON had ROBERT KENNEDY KILLED! Wow...Who was LBJ anyways???? I'm starting to think that he may have affected my life and my world more than I could ever imagine.

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