Tuesday, May 15, 2007


HOLY GUACAMOLE..Did you see it? The South Carolina Republican's Presidential Debate was by far the most exciting thing on TV tonight. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas just rocked the already sinking GOP boat. I hope you saw for yourself or TIVO'd it since I already smell censorship and damage control by FOX NEWS and other sites. RON PAUL just BLASTED America's foreign policy. He basically stated that 911 happened because we have been bombing regions in the middle east for the last 10 years. He asked a couple of times what we would do as Americans if that was happening to us. OH the SHOCK AND AWE in that room..unbelievable. Every candidate seemed to want to respond but it was Giuliani that immediately called for PAUL to revoke his statement. Ron Paul would not back down, further explaining his reasoning. Ron Paul also called out the moderators for using hypothetical problems instead of the ones at hand. The last question they asked of RON PAUL was a tax question (damage control?) Ron Paul said of course he was for lowering taxes but then used the remainder of that time to call out the "enhanced interrogation" issue. UNFLIPPING-BELIEVABLE. Fox News hasn't played the controversial clip since, they are just trying to spin it their way. The EXTREMELY funny thing is that in their own POLL to see who won the debate, RON PAUL is in the lead at 30%. LOOKS like I may have a NEW VOTING STRATEGY, change my voter registration to REPUBLICAN (GASP!!!!!!!!!!) and vote for Ron Paul in the primaries since I have no allegiance do any candidates at this time. Besides RON PAUL is really a LIBERTARIAN and a smart one at that.

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